Steven's Scribbles

Friday, June 29, 2007

Politicians have spiritual testimonies, too

Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) spoke at a cookout I was at last night that was put on for some Christian D.C. interns. Although he had a receptive crowd, it was interesting seeing a side of a politician you normally wouldn’t see watching CNN or C-SPAN or CBS. He shared his testimony, and even uncovered a little known secret of his – he’s a poetry nut. He said, “I like to read poetry…it makes me feel smart.” Good excuse.

Pence grew up a relatively poor kid, but had a dream of helping the world through public office like his hero, JFK. He became a Christian when he was 18. But after he lost his first two attempts at Congress when he was 29 and 31, at what he called the lowest points of his career, he said God showed him that the dust gathering on his personal Bible wasn’t helping him succeed. Pence used the metaphor of a vehicle’s owner manual to show that without the Bible, we can’t find our purpose in life and figure out what we are supposed to be doing on this Earth to serve God. Without scripture as our foundation, we are like the house built on the sand that crumbles when high winds and crashing waves come – which is what happened when Pence found himself in political defeat. Through the saving grace of Christ and his Word, we have eternal hope and know that God has a plan for our lives. It’s exciting.

Pence is only 47 and has been in the House only seven years. I can see a Pence ’16 presidential bid forthcoming.



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